Black History Month

As part of our learning for Black History Month, Reception found out about the artist Sir Frank Bowling. He was born in Guyana (known then as British Guiana) in 1934 and at 19 years old moved to London. Bowling went on to study painting at the Royal College of Art and was the first living black artist to be part of the collections at the Tate.

In 2008, Bowling was given an OBE for his art from the Queen. In 2020, he was knighted in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. Bowling was given the title ‘Sir’ and is now known as Sir Frank Bowling. He has artwork in galleries all around the world. Bowling still paints every day in his London studio. 

Over his career Sir Frank Bowling produced artwork in many different styles. Reception had a go at producing some large scale paintings in the style of his ‘poured paintings’.


You can follow these links to find out more about Sir Frank Bowling and have a go at producing your own artwork.

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