Democracy Week

We had a fantastic week learning about the history, principles and reality of modern democracy in our country. We felt very fortunate to be joined by our local Labour Councilor Seema Chandwani, who kicked off our event with a Q and A assembly.  She taught us what it is like to be a politician; the skills and attributes to be successful.


We then began our own democratic process to elect the new Prime Minister of West Green!  We split in groups, developing a range of school, local and worldwide policies, electing members of class for each group. Those members of class worked with Mary to develop party names, policies and speeches for our chosen leaders.  In the end we held a hustings at Park View auditorium, where the four party leaders made their pitches to be PM – they were Billy (Y2), Damla (Y3), Narayah (Y5), and our very own Heshina from Y6.  The speeches were all outstanding (click to read Heshina’s below), but eventually after the votes were counted it was young Billy who was triumphant.  We wish him all the luck working with the school council this year – it was a brilliant experience all round!

Heshina Speech 

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